
That’s my dad, Prince Barbo of the Royal Maltesean House of Maltesean Royals on excursion in The Swiss Alps (he swims over from Malta, across the Mediterranean, backstroke, every winter, to raise awareness for iglooless Siberian Huskies). Evgeni Dinev, official court photographer shot the photo. 

Me as a baby
Mom. HRH Jezebel XXI


The Royal Sarcophagus

My baby shoes 


As a lad at the royal hunting villa, Austria.

George Fortescu Maximillian de Winter
Daa's Great Grandad (know as "Dewint")
On my visit to Iraq last year.   

deadmau5 wit me
 before he became world famous


A little kid who wanted a “Sniffie Hug.”
The lights, the marriage proposals, $29.95 “Sniffer Da Man” T-shirt sales mean nothing to me as much as these moments.
 Be well little fella wherever you may be. 
Your Sniffie.