
Fans of Sniffer The Maltese, you can now become a member of the Sniffer The Maltese Fan Club with all the rights and privileges your smart decision deserves.

When you smartly elect to receive updates of Sniffer’s website, you also become a cool member of the Sniffer The Maltese Fan Club.* There’s no cost or obligation, and in that rare instance when you prefer to send Sniffer to the dog pound, just click “unsubscribe” on any email, and you can return to your previously unexciting life.
Also, STM Management is working on a premium membership program (don’t hold your breath for it fans - anytime it’s sunny, or cloudy or rainy, they go out to play frisbee and talk about what’s a better pet, dogs, cats, mice, or flees). They're calling it The Royals Society or something, with members in it becoming Cavaliers Of The Royal Maltesean Court, and membership including:  
  • Sniffer The Maltese Ringtones

  • Scratch ’n Sniff Cards

  • Picture of Sniffer The Maltese with a famous person (including authentic reproduced autograph by the famous person)

  • T-Shirt With Website Address – Front And Back

  • Sniffer The Maltese Cavalier Merchandise Discount

  • Meet ‘n Greet Receptions Prior To Appearances on Talk Shows

  • Sniffer The Maltese Smell Like A Dog Eu De Cologne (with .01% real dog sweat)

And many other Snifferific things the STM team’s working on. So, keep checking back to see what other great stuff you’ll be eligible for to increase your life’s happiness.

*Limited to first 15 million subscribers. Don’t delay, do it today!