For The Ladies

Special Message From Sniffer The Maltese To The Ladies

“Hi, doll cakes. I wanna particularly thank yous for payin’ a visit, especially you Ruski Wolfhounds, Grrrrr… and Frenchet Poodles, bow-wow!

I want every one of you dolls to know you’re always welcome at Chez Sniffer. And if you can’t visit everyday, leave me a luv poem I can carry and gaze upon until you return to me. Don’t be shy now, my delicate flower. XOXO 

Sniffer The Maltese

I just wanna add one more thing. A lotta people write in askin’ “Is Sniffer The Maltese real?” The answer is of course, yeah. I chase squirrels, watch TV, get worms, an' get nails manicured monthly.  
Also, the dogs an' stuff in my book are all real. For example, since we’re here on the just for ladies page, you remember Lola Luana? The doll cake in my comic strip, “Interior Decoration Can Save Lives”? Well, it’s cartoon strip, so Lola is drawn, you know, like say, Minnie Mouse is drawn. But here’s a real life picture for ya’ of ravishing Lola Luana (she’s crazy about me).
Any more questions?
Send ‘em in, especially if you're a delicate morsal like Lola Luana.
Your ever lovin’ stud muffin.