Fans II

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 White intoxicating dog, you remind me of me.

Whatever floats your boat, dear fan. Just please don’t drive in that dress.

Sniffer The Maltese


This is Dinque. He idolizes me and asked if I could post his little picture. I look out for the squirt and couldn’t disappoint him. He’s a good kid. Sniffer


   This is me watering pretty yellow flowers I picked with my sister. Sarah.

Thanks little pal. That’s really nice that you thought to send me those pictured pretty flowers. They look so happy, they make me smile. Take care of them.
Sniffer The Maltese
(This is what it’s all about for me, fans)  

These are my friends Windy and Blix. They’ve been in wedded bliss for four years, and wanted me to share their joy-filled anniversary pic with my many fans.
Many happy returns to you two love birds. Thanks for the picture. Hey – there’s a shark commin’ at you! Ha-ha, just kidding. Sniff.

Hi Sniffer. It’s Ingrid Newkirk and Little Man thanking you for elevating human consciousness toward accepting dogs as human.
Thanks Ing. How’s it hangin’ Little Man? I wouldn’t exactly say that the little dude and I are like human-like exactly. We just want to be treated as if we were, except without washing dishes an’ stuff.

I am player in Albanian rockabilly band called Hoot Suit Marauder Killers living in New Hampshire. Mr. Sniffer we bid you good tidings. With your super excellent connections to Hollywood stars, can your Excellency make introduction of us?  
Dear devoted fan. Definitely. A nightgown wearin burkabilly rock group blowin’ into a slipper through a goose head is exactly what they’ve been lookin’ for. No problemo. Thanks for writing. Sniffer “His Excellency” The Maltese.

Pictures: Alaskan Dude; David Shankbone; AnneCN; Brinana; HockeyholicAz; iloveJB123