Mouse Tribute

Did you ever stop to think how hard it must be for a dog to use a computer keyboard? I thought so.

And if you think using your made for human machines is hard for me, it would be impossible without a mouse. So this here is my humble tribute to the inventor of the mouse, Douglas C. Engelbart (who invented a bunch of other stuff too).
Don’t worry, I ain’t sendin’ yous over to Wikipedia to read a whole bunch ‘a boring stuff. Instead, here’s some videos that tell you all about Doug’s invention (say, Doug an’ dog, sound lotsalike).
An’ from mighty mouse we finally go to what literate dogs (an’ a couple a’ cats) everywhere have waited for – acontrolling the computer with your eyes thing.
Now all I need to wait for is for Daa to buy me one. Fat chance, unless, you write and say how important it is to humanity for him to provide me a easier way to communicate with you all. Please do!
Kiss your dog today, and your mouse.
Luv yas.
Sniffer The Maltese