A Conspiracy

Hi, guys. Sniffer The Maltese, here. I just learned somethin’ pretty shocking that dogs around the world have turned to me to correct. It’s a theory on dog intelligence by a professor of psychology. Okay, so the first thing you’re thinkin’ is, is he a specialist on dog brains? 'Course not. He’s a human psychologist. But because humans rule, he goes and decides that he knows which dog breeds are the most intelligent. 

Ya’ see, this Dr. Stanley Coren from The University of British Columbia, claims that the most intelligent dogs are those that are the most obedient to people commands. So if you’re a dog breed that obeys a command the first time, your a genius. You don’t obey when commanded, you’re dumb. Well, I guess you know where that puts your hero according to Dr. Coren.
But I got news for you Mr. Big Shot Professor. You're clueless! You just don’t get it, pops. Here’s the real deal: I, Sniffer The Maltese, don’t budge to a command unless there’s a doggie treat at the other end. And for that, among dogs, I’m considered totally in the smart set.
Maybe there’s somethin’ about not jumpin’ into a cold lake for a throwed stick after your owner shouts “fetch” that I don’t get, but I think this professor and a lot of his species are out to stick it to the intelligent dogs. It’s a conspiracy, and I ain’t afraid to be the first to tell the world. People, disobedient dogs aren’t dumb! We’re just... thinking.

So say no to robot dogs and the strange conspiracy to industrialize us! Say yes to the lady in the pink tutu from Diva Dogs Day dressed like a pink poodle. She values us for our souls!
Did you love a dog today?
Sniffer The Maltese