Have You Hugged Your Dog Today?

So there’s this doctor who looks at 250 pictures on the internet of dogs being hugged, and he determines that only 7.6% of the pictures show that the dogs were comfortable with being hugged, and that most of the other pictures showed that they were uncomfortable, stressed, or anxious.

Well fans, I could say a lot about this “study” but I won’t—I’m kinda busy trying to shut the dog meat eating industry in China. All I’ll say is, randomly look at 250 pictures on the internet of people being hugged, and I’ll bet you’ll see lots of people looking like they don’t exactly like being hugged. Does that mean we should stop hugging people? Well, our doctor dude says that he’s determined that dogs don’t like being hugged, and so you shouldn’t hug them.

Here’s the article from the doctor, The Data Says “Don’t Hug Your Dog!” 

And here’s an article on the article, Let’s Not Hug It Out With Our Dogs.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water. . . .

Provided as a public service by me, Sniffer The Maltese.

P.S. As long as you don’t think my back is a walnut, you leave the knife and fork on the table, and your smelly denture glue has had long enough to dry, you can hug me.