Dogs for Trump!

As you know fans, I try to stay out of politics, Hollywood for ugly people. This year I can't resist, and am here launching the official Dogs for Trump movement. Why? you ask. Why, for dogs' most compelling reason — hair! Not since George Washington has a candidate for president donned better hair, and George turned out pretty good.

What about Hill? you ask. Sorry, fake, doesn't pass the sniff test. Bernie? Love the color, love the Bern, needs a ponytail. Ted Cruz? Sewed in, transplant. Besides, doesn’t he look like he eats dog? Sorry Ted, can’t back anybody who eats dog.

The choice is clear. Look at this picture and tell me The Donald wasn’t sent by God to lead us to T-bone steaks and lick-clean Nutella jars. The hair never lies. Go Don go, go Don go, all the way to the groomer — I see a hair outta place! Hmmm. . . I wonder if he bleaches, or peroxides? 

Yours sincerely. 

Sniffer The Maltese