Penelope Cruz Loves Sniffer

Okay, so as you know, I, Sniffer The Maltese have lots of famous fans, and lots of them send me pictures, tickets, requests for autographed pictures, all the usual admiration and tributes a world famous animal personality and dog-hero deserves.

Penelope Cruz, you know, the world famous actress, sends me this picture with the following inscription written in purple ink:

“Dear Sniffer, I just want to thank you for all the happiness you bring to the people of the world and to me too. You are my favorite animal personality and dog hero. I also want to tell you I want to sign up for your Campaign Against Eating Dog. Is there a chapter in Los Angeles or Madrid?


I, Sniffer The Maltese, wrote  back:
Dear Penny, thanks for the pix, and you’re not getting older you’re getting sweeter.
Sorry, there are no chapters of my campaign in those cities, only Sniffer The Maltese Fan Clubs. However, Penelope, I think that you would be the perfect spokesperson for the campaign against eating dogs. Please have your people get in touch with my people.
In the meantime, attached please find an autopawed picture of me holding a bowl of all natural strawberry ice cream with sprinkles and whipped cream. No dog went into the making of this delicious dish. And believe me, it beats dog any day!
Take care, and thanks again for everything.