Video Fan Letter from a Big Fan

Sniffer here. I receive solicitations and requests regularly. Some are for my pawgraph, some for a picture, others to represent services or test dog products (that deer antler chew toy broke my bicuspid!), but this one from one Preston C. Foster, super fan, represents one of the most touching and endearing messages I have ever received. Here’s his video fan letter to me, with my response following:

Dear Mr. Foster.
While yours is one of the most touching and endearing messages I have ever received, I am sorry I must decline your warm and tender heartfelt offer. At the present time, my human caretaker requires continuing attention from me just to survive from day to day. Without my fellowship and nursing care he would I think simply curl up in a ball and fade away into the far and distant mist of time – along with soulful memories of our times together. I’m sure you understand.

If something should change to alter my present circumstances in order for me to more favorably consider your kind offer, I will immediately contact you, sir.

Thank you, Mr. Foster, and oh, if you want me to pawgraph that rare printer's proof and make it even more valuable, mail it to me return postage paid, and I will pawgraph it and mail it back.

You be well, and keep a stiff upper lip.

Yours sincerely,

Sniffer The Maltese