Governor Chris Christie is a Fan?

Hi guys. Sniffer The Maltese here. Last week I shared a video fan letter from a fan with you. I must admit that the gentleman came across a little strange, but it didn’t matter. I respect and love all my fans.

Anyway, the past week his image sort of haunted me. I kept seeing those beady little eyes. Then, reading The Doggie Daily this morning I saw a picture of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and a thought oh my God I think my fan was the governor in disguise!
I don’t think I’m crazy. Governor Chris Christie:

Preston C. Foster last week:

Think about it. Like “Preston,” governors have lots of money, live in absolute comfort, in a mansion, read comic books, and can write blank checks – and, Governor Christie lives in a manse only ten minutes from me! I think Governor Christie is Preston in disguise! I’m really creeped! I mean, governors can tell dogcatchers what to do!!!