Help Me Sniffer! Brother Driving Us Nuts!

We here at STM Enterprises are proud of Sniffer The Maltese's tradition of selfless giving. As one of his many public services, Sniffer answers desperate pleas from pets and others in need of solutions to their thorniest problems. In hopes of helping other fans, we occasionally post selected representative pleas for help to him as a public service under his Help Me Sniffer! feature.

A fan writes Sniffer:

"Help me Sniffer, my brother Jethro ain’t never seed no full growed necked woman. His desperateness is wreckin' the family peace."

Sniffer The Maltese responds:

Sometimes I get the weirdest letters from humans thinking I have the answers to everything. Well I do, but sometimes those answers are scary:

Dearest fan. Concerning your brother’s “problem” about not ever seeing a naked lady, please tell him he isn’t missing anything. Believe me, I’ve seen plenty. But because I know you’re just going to write back insisting that I find a solution to his problem, please tell your brother to imagine these ladies naked:

Jethro’s brother wrote back:

Dear Sniffer. Thanks to your advice, my brother Jethro has been cured of his terrible compulsion. Peace has returned to our humble home. He says that he wants to spend the rest of his natural born days in the natural beauty of the backcountry woods.

Sniffer replied:

That’s good. There are too many people living in the cities already. I’m glad I could bring another family back to health.

Your hero.

Sniffer The Maltese