Professor Sniffer One Word Answer Challenge

“Welcome back everyone to the Professor Sniffer One Word Answer Challenge. That’s where Sniffer The Maltese answers tough questions using only one word. And as you know from previous sessions of our game, if he answers with more than one word, he loses. But first, Sniffer! Where have you been? And where are you now? Can you hear me, Sniffer?”

“Yeah, I can hear you. I’m in Thailand, and I’ve been in Rumania.”

“Rumania, Thailand? What was the reason for your international travels, Sniffer?”



“Yeah, that’s what I said. And you don’t have to ask, I’ll tell you. I get so many marriage proposals from Thailand and Rumania from princesses there, that once a year I take my annual Princes Tour.”

“Wow. I suppose being a world famous hero as you are, it’s unavoidable to receive so many marriage proposals.”


“But does this mean Sniffer The Maltese may be hearing wedding bells? I’m sure your millions of worldwide fans want to know.”

“No. I’m already married.”

“What! Sniffer The Maltese is married! Did I hear you right!”

“I’m married to my millions of loving fans around the world. I have to make these trips to comfort the little dog princesses on why I can’t accept their marriage proposals. I can never marry. I must remain devoted and unshared for my fabulous fans.”

“Wow. How selfless.”

“I know.”

“Are you ready to play the challenge, Sniffer?”


“Here we go. Remember, only one word answers. “First question, Sniffer. In what tone do American car horns beep?”



“What kills more Americans annually than plane crashes?”


“Right again!”

“How many years old does an oak tree have to be before it can produce acorns?”



“What do doctors do?”


“You have that right.”

“What are flies without wings called?”



“What people cannot eat animal crackers?”


“You rule, Sniffer!”

“What don’t cannibals eat because they taste funny?


“Fantastic, Sniffer!”

“And finally, Professor Sniffer, which comedian said the following joke: ‘My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up a dollar a can. That’s seven dollars in dog money!’”


“That’s right! Bravo, Sniffer! You did it again! A perfect score!”


“We hope you get back safe to your home in New Jersey soon, and that you’ll join us again to play Professor Sniffer One Word Answer Challenge! For STM Funterprises, good-bye everybody and keep smiling!”
