North South Pee Poop Magnetism

Hi guys. Sniffer The Maltese here.

A popular scientific finding published last December in Frontiers in Zoology asserts that when dogs pee or poop we align our bodies along a magnetic north-south axis. It’s a fascinating fact and scientists can be proud of finding it out. But the bigger question is why do we do it? Scientists don’t know the reason.
Well, before they spend more money on finding the answer, please guys listen to me and instead use the money to find a cure for noisy neighbors. The answer to why we situate ourselves that way is because it makes us feel good. You know, it’s the same reason why you people do things: it makes you feel good. You do what feels good and don’t what don’t.
Why does it feel good is what I know the scientists are asking next. The answer is grounding. North-South alignment balances us better when we’re doing stuff.
So now you know a little more of the why of animal behavior. I hope this enlightened you. It’s just another of the ways I ceaselessly try to educate you humans.
Thank you.
Sniffer The Maltese