Famous Dog Gets Google Glass

True to my call to my millions of fans requesting one of ‘em get me Google Glasses, one of my best and greatest fans, my little friend Lala from The Philippines, sent me them. Below is a picture of me with my Google Glass. Don’t I look cool?

  The next picture is of something a little shocking. It’s the first thing I command-shot with my Google Glass on, and I was left speechless – an’ that’s sayin’ a mouthful!

People, please, you don’t have to do this to your dog in order for her to get my attention. It’s what’s inside that counts. What are those knobs on her hips? Maybe these Google Glasses ain’t such a good idea after all . . .  I’ll see. I’ll take more pictures and videos in the coming months an’ post ‘em here for you guys to decide.

Bye, for now, and thanks again to my favorite fan from The Philippines.

Sniffer The Maltese