Animals Helping Humans

Hi fans, Sniffer here. Reading the Doggie Daily as I do most days, I leaned about this book Zoobiquity by Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, MD – man that’s a long name. Anyway, Dr. B is a cardiologist doin’ work in transesophageal echocardiography, which I think has to do with goat ulcers, but more important, she works in the intersection between human and veterinary medicine, Hollywood and Vine I think, at the University of California Los Angeles.
Dr. B has figured out that regular doctors only take care of one kind of animal, an’ that veterinarian doctors take care of hundreds of kinds. And that by studin’ us non-human animals, especially without cuttin’ us up an’ stuff, and workin’ alongside vets, the human doctor species can learn a thing or two about human health problems.

After all, she found that we’ve had the same health problems as humans before there were humans (like sperm whales have had Hodgkin’s lymphoma forever, an’ we also get ADD, and obsessive compulsive disorder, and that in a nutshell, we all share the same pathology. So, Dr. B says that what’s screwin’ humans up is not your fault. It’s nature at work. And that including us animals in your medical observation is just one more of the millions of ways that we animals can help humans.
Now if I could just get Dr. B to be my own doc, oh what a nice change her soft little gentle hands would be over my vet, Dr. Hyman “Killer Kowalski” Trudds. But no, Daa, my owner, wouldn’t move to Los Angeles where Dr. B is just becuase it be good for his blessed little dog’s health. No, we couldn’t have that – me getting proper medical care for my yeast sensitivity. No, his own human welfare is much more important.
Anyway, don’t worry about me, fans. I’ll pull through even without Dr. B, though it will be hard.
Sniffer The Maltese - Just One More Selfless Underappreciated Animal Helping Humans