Laurent, one ‘a my many tres-cool
French fans sent me this bowl of milk bones. Now that’s what I call a grateful
admirer. So, I’m sendin’ 'em back a bottle of Sniffer Breath. Yeah, it’s a
special one-of-a-kind gift. The empty bottle of cherry coke he’ll get doesn’t come
filled with air. No. It’s an official found nowhere’s else on the planet Bottle
of Sniffer The Maltese breath. My breath. Bottled. Sure to be loved, prized an’
treasured by the lucky recipient.
I luv my fans. Everyone. But some a little more for demonstratin’
their affection for Sniffer The Maltese in return. Thanks dear fan. Keep a nose out
for the special delivery package comin’ your way. You lucky you.
Sniffer The Maltese