What Happened to the Comics Contest?

A Word From STM Management

Fans of Sniffer The Maltese wondering where the Sniffer The Maltese comics contest went, do not be alarmed. STM management engaged an international, highly talented artistic team, now diligently creating marvelous comic strips for your future elation. That’s right, the first ever Sniffer The Maltese comic strip collection comes out this autumn!

Thank you entrants who participated in the Sniffer The Maltese Illustrator Contest. The winners are preparing for you, brush stroke by brush stroke, panel by panel, linotype by linotype, a collection befitting the high standards set by Sniffer The Maltese himself.

And here a word From Sniffer The Maltese Himself:

Yeah fans, like the suits say, stuff is in the works for you guys, my beloved fans. Meantime, I’m busy takin’ care ‘a Daa (who can barely put one foot in front ‘a the other without me), an’ also drawin’ many new "Blue & Yellow" masterpieces for charity.

For now, behave (a little), an’ look forward to what’s comin’ from STM artists just for you.

Your magnificent world famous hero,

Sniffer The Maltese

P.S. I luv you guys.